
Basic types (variables and scope)


package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( String[] args ) {
    /* Boolean */
      boolean b = true;
      System.out.printf( "My boolean %s%n", b );

    /* Integers Numbers */
      byte b = 7;
      short s = 1_234;
      int i = 5_000;
      long l = 123_456_789L;
      System.out.printf( "My byte    %d%n", b );
      System.out.printf( "My short   %d%n", s );
      System.out.printf( "My short   %d%n", i );
      System.out.printf( "My short   %d%n", l );

    /* Floating Point Numbers */
      float f = 5.99f;
      double d = 123_456.123_456;
      System.out.printf( "My float   %.2f%n", f );
      System.out.printf( "My double  %.4f%n", d );

    /* Characters and Strings */
      char c = 'J';
      String s = "Hello, this is my string";
      String u = "\uD83D\uDC4B 🌎"; /* Equivalent to "👋 \uD83C\uDF0D" */
      System.out.printf( "My char    %s%n", c );
      System.out.printf( "My String  %s%n", s );
      System.out.printf( "My Emoji   %s%n", u );


My boolean true
My byte    7
My short   1234
My short   5000
My short   123456789
My float   5,99
My double  123456,1235
My char    J
My String  Hello, this is my string

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