
The instanceof and type cast operators

Table of contents

  1. The instanceof and type cast operators
  2. Is there a better approach than relying on instanceof and type cast operators (polymorphism)?
  3. Are there good examples of the instanceof and type cast operators?
  4. What is type upcasting and how is it different from type casting or type downcasting?
    1. Type Upcasting
    2. Type Downcasting
  5. Can we type cast null?
  6. Can we type cast primitive types?
  7. JEP 305: Pattern Matching for instanceof (Preview)

The instanceof and type cast operators

Two operators that usually indicate bad design practice are the instanceof and the type cast operators.

Why? You may be asking. Consider the following example.

package demo;

public abstract class Pet {

The Pet class defines any pet. Following are some implementation of Pet

  1. A dog that barks

     package demo;
     public class Dog extends Pet {
       public void bark() {
         System.out.println( "Woof..." );
  2. A cat that meows

     package demo;
     public class Cat extends Pet {
       public void meow() {
         System.out.println( "Meow..." );
  3. A bird that tweets

     package demo;
     public class Bird extends Pet {
       public void chirp() {
         System.out.println( "Tweet..." );

We can use a Dog, Cat and Bird wherever a Pet is required. Now say that we need to write a method, say doYourThing(), that takes a Pet and if it is a dog it barks, if it is a cat it meows and if it is a bird is tweets. Consider the following example.


package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Pet pet = new Dog();
    doYourThing( pet );

  private static void doYourThing( final Pet pet ) {
    if ( pet instanceof Dog ) {
      final Dog dog = (Dog) pet;
    } else if ( pet instanceof Cat ) {
      ( (Cat) pet ).meow();
    } else if ( pet instanceof Bird ) {
      ( (Bird) pet ).chirp();

The above example meets the requirements but does not make use of good programming practices. A better approach is to make use of polymorphism, discussed next.

Is there a better approach than relying on instanceof and type cast operators (polymorphism)?

Instead of relying on type casting, we can take advantage of polymorphism. Consider the following version of the Pet class.

package demo;

public abstract class Pet {

    abstract void doIt();

The Pet class defined an abstract method, named doIt(). All subtypes need to override this method and provide a concrete implementation.

  1. A dog that barks

     package demo;
     public class Dog extends Pet {
       public void doIt() {
         System.out.println( "Woof..." );
  2. A cat that meows

     package demo;
     public class Cat extends Pet {
       public void doIt() {
         System.out.println( "Meow..." );
  3. A bird that tweets

     package demo;
     public class Bird extends Pet {
       public void doIt() {
         System.out.println( "Tweet..." );

Different from before, all subtypes of the Pet class have their own implementation of the doIt() method.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Pet pet = new Dog();
    doYourThing( pet );

  private static void doYourThing( final Pet pet ) {

All pets have the doIt() method and we don’t need to check the type and invoke specific methods as we did before. Furthermore, if later on we add new types, such as Fish or Tiger, we don’t have to change the doYourThing() method shown above as all pets will have the doIt() method.

Are there good examples of the instanceof and type cast operators?

Yes. Frameworks, such as Spring, use the instanceof and type cast operators to decorate objects. Consider the following two interfaces:

  1. InitializingBean
  2. DisposableBean

Implementing any (or both) of these two interfaces will tell Spring how to interact with your beans. It is important to note that Spring has been with us for quite some time, since October 2002, and Spring had to work with older versions of Java where features like interface default methods were not available. Using the instanceof and type cast operators together with these two interfaces, Spring was able to initialise beans after creating them and dispose beans before stopping them.

Consider the following two interfaces

  1. A simple replacement of the InitializingBean interface

     package demo;
     interface RequireInit {
       void init();
  2. Another simple replacement of the DisposableBean interface

     package demo;
     interface RequireCleanUp {
       void cleanUp();

As the names indicate, one interface should be executed before and the other should be executed after. To keep it very simple, we are simply executing a task. Consider the following two tasks

  1. A simple task that does not require any initialisation or clean up

     package demo;
     public class SimpleTask implements Runnable {
       public void run() {
         System.out.println( "SimpleTask::run()" );
  2. A more elaborate task that requires both initialisation and clean up.

     package demo;
     public class ComplexTask implements Runnable, RequireInit, RequireCleanup {
       public void init() {
         System.out.println( "ComplexTask::init()" );
       public void run() {
         System.out.println( "ComplexTask::run()" );
       public void cleanUp() {
         System.out.println( "ComplexTask::cleanup()" );

Now consider our light version of the framework.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    runTask( new SimpleTask() );
    runTask( new ComplexTask() );

  private static void runTask( final Runnable task ) {
    if ( task instanceof RequireInit ) {
      ( (RequireInit) task ).init();

    if ( task instanceof RequireCleanUp ) {
      ( (RequireCleanUp) task ).cleanUp();

Our runTask() method takes a Runnable. If the Runnable object is also a RequireInit, the init() is invoked and if it requires clean up, the cleanUp() method is invoked.


Java 1.8 provides default methods, which can be used to simplify our example.

package demo;

public interface Task extends Runnable {
  default void init() { }

  default void cleanup() { }

Our objects can implement the Task interface and implement either or both lifecycle methods.

  1. The SimpleTask still implements the Runnable.

     package demo;
     public class SimpleTask implements Runnable { /* ... */ }
  2. A new task, ModerateTask still implements the Task and overrides the init() method only.

     package demo;
     public class ModerateTask implements Task {
       public void init() {
         System.out.println( "ModerateTask::init()" );
       public void run() {
         System.out.println( "ModerateTask::run()" );
  3. The ComplexTask implements the Task interface and overrides all methods.

     package demo;
     public class ComplexTask implements Task { /* ... */ }

We can now have two methods that handle these differently.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    runTask( new SimpleTask() );
    runTask( new ModerateTask() );
    runTask( new ComplexTask() );

  private static void runTask( final Runnable task ) {;

  private static void runTask( final Task task ) {

    runTask( (Runnable) task );


The above will print


The above example is making use of type upcasting to use the runTask() method that takes a Runnable.

runTask( (Runnable) task );

What is type upcasting and how is it different from type casting or type downcasting?

Consider the following class hierarchy

  1. A class that represents a person

     package demo;
     public class Person {
       public final String name;
       public Person( final String name ) { =  name ;
       public String toString() {
         return String.format( "Person{name=%s}", name );
  2. A class that represent a special type of person, a VIP

     package demo;
     public class VeryImportantPerson extends Person {
       public VeryImportantPerson( final String name ) {
         super( name );
       public String toString() {
         return String.format( "VeryImportantPerson{name=%s}", name );

The Person class does not extends anything, thus inherits from the Object class. The VeryImportantPerson class is a subclass of the Person class.

Type casting is the ability of making a type appearing as another, compatible, type. There are two types of type casting:

Upcasting and Downcasting

Type Upcasting

Type upcasting, also referred to as widening reference conversion in JLS 5.1.5, is when we convert a type to more generic type, thus widening. For example, type cast a variable of type VeryImportantPerson to type Person or type Object.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Person a = new Person( "Jade" );
    final Object b = (Object) a;

The above example shows an explicit type upcasting from type Person to type Object. We can type upcast implicitly.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Person a = new Person( "Jade" );
    final Object b = a;

In both examples, variable b is of type Object despite it points to an object of type Person. Type upcasting always works and no checks are required, all persons are objects.

Why do we need explicit type upcasting?

Consider the following example.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final VeryImportantPerson a = new VeryImportantPerson( "Aden" );
    handle( a );

  public static void handle( final Person guest ) {
    System.out.printf( "Water for %s%n", guest );

  public static void handle( final VeryImportantPerson guest ) {
    System.out.printf( "Champagne for %s%n", guest );

The handle() method is overloaded. The first method takes a Person as its parameter while the second takes a VeryImportantPerson. The above example will always invoke the second method as variable a is of type VeryImportantPerson, and will print.

Champagne for VeryImportantPerson{name=Aden}

Say that we need to serve champagne and water when handling VIPs. In order words, VIPs get all that normal persons get and more.


We can invoke the first method, handle(Person), by using explicit type upcasting as shown in the following example.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final VeryImportantPerson a = new VeryImportantPerson( "Aden" );
    handle( a );

  public static void handle( final Person guest ) {
    System.out.printf( "Water for %s%n", guest );

  public static void handle( final VeryImportantPerson guest ) {
    handle( (Person) guest );
    System.out.printf( "Champagne for %s%n", guest );

The above will print.

Water for VeryImportantPerson{name=Aden}
Champagne for VeryImportantPerson{name=Aden}

Type Downcasting

Type downcasting, also referred to as narrowing reference conversion in JLS 5.1.6, is when we convert a type to more specific type, thus narrowing. For example, type cast a variable of type Object to type Person or type VeryImportantPerson.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Object a = new Person( "Jade" );
    final Person b = (Person) a;

In the above example, we create a Person and then assign it to the variable a, of type Object. It is important to understand that variable a is of type Object. Variable b is of type Person, which is more specific than Object. We cannot simply assign a to b. The following example will not compile.

⚠ The following example does not compile!!
package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Object a = new Person( "Jade" );
    final Person b = a;

Note that type downcasting is checked and a ClassCastException is thrown if the types are not compatible. Consider the following example.

⚠ The following example will compile but will throw ClassCastException!!
package demo;

import java.awt.Point;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Object a = new Point( 1, 2 );
    final Person b = (Person) a;

The above example will fail with a ClassCastException as Point is not a Person.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.awt.Point cannot be cast to class demo.Person (java.awt.Point is in module java.desktop of loader 'bootstrap'; demo.Person is in unnamed module of loader 'app')
	at demo.App.main(

Can we have an object of type VeryImportantPerson assigned to a variable of type Object type downcasted to a Person? Consider the following example.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Object a = new VeryImportantPerson( "Jade" );
    final Person b = (Person) a;

The above works, as all VeryImportantPerson are Person.

Can we type cast null?

Yes, null can be type casted to any object (JLS-5.5). We already saw something similar when answering the question can one constructor call another constructor in the same class?.

Can we type cast primitive types?

Yes, primitives can be type casted too, as defined in the widening primitive conversion (JLS-5.1.2) and the narrowing primitive conversion (JLS-5.1.3) sections of the Java Language Specifications.

Consider the following example.

package demo;

import java.util.Random;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Random r = new Random();
    final byte a = (byte) r.nextInt( 10 );
    System.out.printf( "The value of a is: %d%n", a );

The Random class does not provide a nextByte() method and we need to rely on the nextInt() method and then type cast the returned int type to byte.

The value of a is: 7

What will happen if the value being type casted does not fit? What happens if the value we are casting is out of the byte range?

Consider the following example.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final byte a = (byte) 130.33;
    System.out.printf( "The value of a is: %d%n", a );

The literal double value 130.33 is outside the byte range (between -128 and 127 both inclusive). When this happens, Java will overflow and continue counting to the negative side as shown next.

The value of a is: -126

Why -126?

The maximum byte value is 127 (Byte.MAX_VALUE), 3 less than our value, 130 (ignoring the decimal points).

Add x to Byte.MAX_VALUEResult

We can try this in JShell.

jshell> (byte) (127 + 3)
$1 ==> -126

Furthermore, the decimal point information is lost during the type casting as integers do not have decimal points. Changing the number from 130.33 to 130.999_999_999 will make no difference.

package demo;

public class App {
  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final byte a = (byte) 130.999_999_999;
    System.out.printf( "The value of a is: %d%n", a );

All decimal places are dropped with this type casting and the following is printed.

The value of a is: -126

JEP 305: Pattern Matching for instanceof (Preview)

The instanceof operator is currently being improved (JEP 305 and JEP 375). Consider the following example.

package demo;

public class App {

  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Object a = "My String";

    if ( a instanceof String ) {
      final String s = (String) a;
      System.out.printf( "The string %s is %d Unicode code units long%n", s, s.length() );

In most, the cases the instanceof operator is followed by a cast as shown above example. The instanceof operator is being improved a shown next.

package demo;

public class App {

  public static void main( final String[] args ) {
    final Object a = "My String";

    if ( a instanceof String s ) {
      System.out.printf( "The string %s is %d Unicode code units long%n", s, s.length() );

The above example shows how the instanceof and cast can be combined in one statement.

if ( a instanceof String s ) {

Note that variable s shown above is final and thus cannot be modified.

Since Java 12, Java started including preview features. This enables Oracle to collect feedback about future features from the general public without committing anything. The preview features can be modified in newer releases. This new feature is in preview and not available by default. You may need to change the Project language level ([command] + [;]) to also include preview features, as shown next.

JDK 14 Preview

Building the application may fail too as we need to tell the Java compiler that we want to enable the preview features.

$ ./gradlew build

> Task :compileJava FAILED
src/main/java/demo/ error: pattern matching in instanceof is a preview feature and is disabled by default.
    if ( a instanceof String s ) {
  (use --enable-preview to enable pattern matching in instanceof)
1 error

We can enable the preview features by updating the file as shown next.

test {
  testLogging {
    events = ['FAILED', 'PASSED', 'SKIPPED', 'STANDARD_OUT']


tasks.withType(JavaCompile).each {

Running the application may produce a similar error as we need to tell the Java runtime to enable the preview features.

$ java -jar build/libs/examples-all.jar
Error: LinkageError occurred while loading main class demo.App
	java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Preview features are not enabled for demo/App (class file version 58.65535). Try running with '--enable-preview'

We can enable the preview features by passing the --enable-preview flag to the Java runtime environment as shown next.

$ java --enable-preview -jar build/libs/examples-all.jar

Kindly note that preview features may change between releases, thus think twice before investing heavily in them. When the next Java version is released, support for the preview language level may be dropped.